Shiran Faast is CEO of Aqua Gardening, a Brisbane based Aquaponics, Hydroponics and Pond store and 2020 National Retail Awards Finalist in 2 categories.
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About Shiran Faast
Shiran Faast found her passion in aquaponics when she and husband Chris set up a kit to grow their own produce whilst living in a small apartment in the city. Years later they are owners of Aqua Gardening, an online and retail store with a vision to empower people to take control of their health by teaching and giving them all the tools they need to achieve fresh, healthy produce. Aqua Gardening is a client of Claxon.
About The Episode
In this episode, Shiran and Brett discuss:
- How to make fruit and vegetables grow 3x faster
- How store bought fruit and vegetables affect your gut health and could be making you sick
- How Shiran and her husband have revolutionised aquaponic and hydroponic education so that anyone can set themselves up quickly