Dale Beaumont is best known as an award-winning technology entrepreneur, international speaker and author of 19 best-selling books.
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About Dale Beaumont
Having started his first business at the age of 19, Dale went on to build three different million dollar companies before the age of thirty. One of these companies saw Dale write and publish 19 best-selling books, which have collectively sold over a quarter of a million copies. Incredibly, 11 of those 16 books were published in a single year.
This was followed by the launch of Business Blueprint, an education company designed to help fellow entrepreneurs build the business of their dreams. Ten years on, Dale has personally trained over 50,000 people and delivered over 1,000 keynote presentations.
About the Episode
- What’s the impact of writing a book on your business?
- Should you write a book?
- What are some of the best ways to sell & promote a book?
- What are the biggest roadblocks for business owners?
- What was the hardest milestone for you?
- How was it transitioning away from running the business?
- How much should you build your personal brand vs the business brand?
- What topic do you discuss the most with entrepreneurs?
- Discussing the concept of time and how you spend it
- What would Dale post to everyone on Facebook?
And so much more…
More on Dale Beaumont
Site: https://businessblueprint.com.au/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dalebeaumont/